Convex News
the latest on building a better type of backend

Product Updates - Volume 14

Convex wrapped “generated” just for you 🎁 * You use Convex, which puts you in the top 1% of developers worldwide * You like Spotify-wrapped clones, like 64%

Product Updates Volume 12

Backup and Restore That extra peace of mind is finally here. For our pro plan customers, you can now set up daily backups for up

Product Updates Volume 11

Components explainer The Convex ecosystem is abuzz with the components launch. We’ve put together a new video explaining what they are and how easy

Convex State of the Union

The high level is that we’re pretty happy with the Convex API right now so the current swing within the company is to focus more on scale and polish for a while, with the caveat that we have some big features already in the works that are coming out soon.


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