Indy Khare

Indy Khare

Head of Product at Convex

Announcing Convex 1.14

Convex Auth for Next.js server side auth. We made some changes to make ConvexReactClient to enable Convex Auth for Next.js server side authentication.

Product Update - Volume 6

Convex in your TanStack Query Yo dawg, I heard you liked TanStack Query so we put Convex queries in your TanStack Query so you can

Product Update - Volume 5

Convex Auth The Convex community was abuzz about the Convex Auth launch last week. You can now easily get a users table right in your

Product Update - Volume 4

Return value validators Compile time type check isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? Run time type validation! Add a returns property with a

Product Update - Volume 3

Magic Caching Helper Jamie solved one of the 2 great problems in computer science! By caching Convex query subscriptions, every screen in your app will


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