We're thrilled to announce that Convex is now integrated with Tempo, an AI-powered code generator with a visual interface designed for building production-ready software. This integration allows developers to set up SaaS applications quickly without dealing with boilerplate infrastructure.
What is Tempo?
Tempo is an AI code generator with a visual, Figma-like interface. It’s designed for rapid prototyping and building production-level software. Tempo is launching pre-configured SaaS templates so you can skip the boilerplate setup of payments, authentication, and databases.
Why Use Convex?
Convex provides an innovative, code-centric backend with real-time data sync and automatic scaling. It replaces your database, controllers, caches, queues, etc—with a clean API for end-to-end state management.
How the Integration Works
Using Tempo with Convex simplifies SaaS development by reducing setup time and handling backend complexity.
Here's an example project getting up and running in a minute:
Tempo + Convex projects like this one benefit from:
- Faster Setup – Tempo’s templates handle authentication, payments, and UI, while Convex manages data storage, queries, and real-time synchronization.
- Scalability – Convex automatically scales with traffic and demand, so there’s no need to configure servers or databases.
- Flexible Stack – Developers can integrate Convex with other services like Stripe, Polar, Clerk, and Supabase based on project needs.
- Less Toil – No need to write boilerplate code for backend logic or manage infrastructure.
Get Started
- Try Tempo SaaS Templates: https://tempo.new/?utm_source=blog
- Join the Tempo Community: https://discord.gg/6r6fHmMjcc
- Learn more about Convex: https://convex.dev